Nanopublications LDF server


Search Nanopublications by triple/quad pattern

Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s ?p "prefix rdfs: <> prefix np: <> prefix npa: <> prefix npx: <> prefix xsd: <> prefix dct: <> prefix prov: <> prefix tpff: <> select ?event ?eventName ?eventShortName ?eventLongName ?eventType ?eventTypeName ?eventDate ?eventOrganizer ?eventMoreInfoLink ?np ?npCreator ?npDate where { graph npa:graph { ?np npa:hasValidSignatureForPublicKey ?pubkey . ?np dct:created ?npDate . ?np dct:creator ?npCreator . ?np np:hasAssertion ?assertion . ?np npx:introduces ?event . filter not exists { ?npx npx:invalidates ?np ; npa:hasValidSignatureForPublicKey ?pubkey . } } graph ?assertion { ?event a tpff:3PFF-event . ?event rdfs:label ?eventName . bind(replace(str(?eventName), ' ?\\|.*$', '') as ?eventShortName) bind(replace(str(?eventName), '^.*\\| ?(.*)$', '$1') as ?eventLongName) ?event dct:date ?eventDate . optional { ?event tpff:has-event-organizer ?eventOrganizer . } optional { values ?eventType { tpff:In-Person-Event tpff:Hybrid-Event tpff:Virtual-Event } ?event a ?eventType . bind(replace(str(?eventType), '^.*/', '') as ?eventTypeName) } optional { ?event rdfs:seeAlso ?eventMoreInfoLink . } } } order by desc(?eventDate)" ?g. }

Showing items 1 to 1 of 1 with 100 items per page.