Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hull, C.L. (1999) Comparison of the diets of breeding royal (Eudyptes schlegeli) and rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins on Macquarie Island over three years. Journal of Zoology 247:507-529" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1987) Midwater food web in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 96:93-106" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Ainley, D.G., Wilson, P.R., Barton, K.J., Ballard, G., Nur, N., Karl, B. (1998) Diet and foraging effort of Adelie penguins in relation to pack-ice conditions in the southern Ross Sea. Polar Biology 20: 311-319" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Croxall JP, Prince PA, Reid K (1997) Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirds. J Zool Lond 242: 531-556" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Blankley, W. O., Grindley, J. R. (1985). The intertidal and shallow subtidal food web at Marion Island. In: Siegfried W. R., Condy, P. R., Laws, R. M. (eds.) Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs. Springer. Berlin, p. 630-636" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Casaux, R., Baroni, A., Ramon, A. (2006) The diet of the Weddell Seal Leptonychotes weddellii at the Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology 29: 257-262" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K. and Burton, H. R. (1987) Seasonal and geographic variation in the food of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, in Antarctica. Australian Wildlife Research 14:475-498" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Makhado, A.B., Bester, M.N., Kirkman, S.P., Pistorius, P.A., Ferguson, J.W.H., and Klages, N.T.W. (2008) Prey of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella at Marion Island. Polar Biology 31:575-581" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K., Williams, R., and Green, M.G. (1998) Foraging ecology and diving behaviour of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus at Heard Island. Marine Ornithology 26:27-34" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1987) Midwater food web in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 96:93-106" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Cherel, Y., Kooyman, G.L. (1998) Food of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) in the western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 130: 335-344" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Cherel, Y., Bocher, P., De Broyer, C., and Hobson, K.A. (2002) Food and feeding ecology of the sympatric thin-billed Pachyptila belcheri and Antarctic P. desolata prions at Iles Kerguelen, Southern Indian Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 228:263-281" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Shreeve, R.S., Collins, M.A., Tarling, G.A., Main, C.E., Ward, P., Johnston, N.M. (2009) Feeding ecology of myctophid fishes in the northern Scotia Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386: 221-236" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Xavier,J.C., Croxall, J.P., Reid, K. (2003) Interannual variation in the diets of two albatross species breeding at South Georgia: implications for breeding performance. Ibis 145:593-610" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Prince and Copestake unpublished (as cited in Prince, P. A. and Morgan, R. A. (1987). Diet and feeding ecology of procellariiformes. In Seabirds: Feeding Ecology and Role in Marine Ecosystems (ed. J. P. Croxall), pp. 135-171. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Schramm, M. (1986) The diet of chicks of great-winged, Kerguelen and soft-plumaged petrels at the Prince Edward Islands. Ostrich 57: 9-15" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Bocher, P., Cherel, Y., Hobson, K.A. (2000) Complete trophic segregation between South Georgian and common diving petrels during breeding at Iles Kerguelen. Marine Ecology Progress Series 208: 249-264." Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Robertson, G., Williams, R., Green, K., and Robertson, L. (1994) Diet composition of emperor penguin chicks Aptenodytes forsteri at two Mawson Coast colonies, Antarctica. Ibis 136:19-31" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K. and Burton, H. R. (1987) Seasonal and geographic variation in the food of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, in Antarctica. Australian Wildlife Research 14:475-498" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Burghart, S.E., Hopkins, T.L., Vargo, G.A., and Torres, J.J. (1999) Effects of a rapidly receding ice edge on the abundance, age structure and feeding of three dominant calanoid copepods in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 22:279�288" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "AINLEY, D.G., FRASER, W.R., SMITH, Jr, W.O., HOPKINS, T.L. & TORRES, J.J. 1991. The structure of upper level pelagic food webs in the Antarctic: effect of phytoplankton distribution. Journal of Marine Systems 2: 111-122" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Casaux, R., Baroni, A., Arrighetti, F., Ramon,A., Carlini, A. (2003) Geographical variation in the diet of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella. Polar Biology 26:753-758" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Williams, D. (1999, updated 2007) Fish biological and stomach contents data - Casey 1988, Australian Antarctic Data Centre - CAASM Metadata (" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Klages, N. (1989) Food and feeding ecology of emperor penguins in the eastern Weddell Sea. Polar Biology 9:385-390" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Prince and Copestake unpublished (as cited in Prince, P. A. and Morgan, R. A. (1987). Diet and feeding ecology of procellariiformes. In Seabirds: Feeding Ecology and Role in Marine Ecosystems (ed. J. P. Croxall), pp. 135-171. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Burghart, S.E., Hopkins, T.L., Vargo, G.A., and Torres, J.J. (1999) Effects of a rapidly receding ice edge on the abundance, age structure and feeding of three dominant calanoid copepods in the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 22:279�288" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "La Mesa, M., Dalu, M., and Vacchi, M. (2004) Trophic ecology of the emerald notothen Trematomus bernacchii (Pisces, Nototheniidae) from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 27:721-728" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Phillips, K.L., Jackson, G.D., and Nichols, P.D. (2003) Temporal variations in the diet of the squid Moroteuthis ingens at Macquarie Island: stomach contents and fatty acid analyses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 256:135-149" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Schramm, M. (1986) The diet of chicks of great-winged, Kerguelen and soft-plumaged petrels at the Prince Edward Islands. Ostrich 57: 9-15" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Slip, D. J., Moore, G. J. and Green, K. 1995. Stomach contents of a southern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon planifrons, stranded at Heard Island. Marine Mammal Science 11: 575-584" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pervushin, A.S. (1968) Observations of behaviour and feeding of whale-bone whales in the area of the Crozet Island. Okeanologica 8:139�145. As cited in Kawamura, A. (1994) A review of baleen whale feeding in the Southern Ocean. Rep. Int. Whal. Commn 44:261�271" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Williams, D. (1999, updated 2007) Fish biological and stomach contents data - Casey 1988, Australian Antarctic Data Centre - CAASM Metadata (" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Arata, J., Robertson, G., Valencia, J., Xavier, J.C., and Moreno, C.A. (2004) Diet of grey-headed albatrosses at the Diego Ramirez Islands, Chile: ecological implications. Antarctic Science 16 (3): 263-275" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "RIDOUX, V. & OFFREDO, C. 1989. The diets of five summer breeding seabirds in Ad�lie Land, Antarctica. Polar Biology 9: 137-145" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Polito, M.J., Trivelpiece, W.Z., Karnovsky, N.J., Ng, E., Patterson, W.P., and Emslie, S.D. (2011) Integrating stomach content and stable isotope analyses to quantify the diets of pygoscelid penguins. PLoS ONE 6(10): e26642. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0026642" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Cherel, Y. and Duhamel, D. (2003) Diet of the squid Moroteuthis ingens (Teuthoidea: Onychoteuthidae) in the upper slope waters of the Kerguelen Islands. Marine Ecology Progress Series 250: 197-203" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Connan, M., Cherel, Y., and Mayzaud. (2007) Lipids from stomach oil of procellariiform seabirds document the importance of myctophid fish in the Southern Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography 52(6): 2445-2455" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Robertson, G., Williams, R., Green, K., and Robertson, L. (1994) Diet composition of emperor penguin chicks Aptenodytes forsteri at two Mawson Coast colonies, Antarctica. Ibis 136:19-31" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Blankley, W. O., Grindley, J. R. (1985). The intertidal and shallow subtidal food web at Marion Island. In: Siegfried W. R., Condy, P. R., Laws, R. M. (eds.) Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs. Springer. Berlin, p. 630-636" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Ivanovic, M.L. and Brunetti, N.E. (1994) Food and feeding of Illex argentinus. Antarctic Science 6(2):185-193" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Blankley, W. O., Grindley, J. R. (1985). The intertidal and shallow subtidal food web at Marion Island. In: Siegfried W. R., Condy, P. R., Laws, R. M. (eds.) Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs. Springer. Berlin, p. 630-636" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K., Williams, R., and Burton, H.R. (1991) The diet of Antarctic fur seals during the late autumn and early winter around Heard Island. Antarctic Science 3(4): 359-361" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Lorentsen, S.-H., Klages, N. and R�v, N. (1998) Diet and prey consumption of Antarctic petrels Thalassoica antarctica at Svarthamaren, Dronning Maud Land, and at sea outside the colony. Polar Biology 19(6): 414-428" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Blankley, W. O., Grindley, J. R. (1985). The intertidal and shallow subtidal food web at Marion Island. In: Siegfried W. R., Condy, P. R., Laws, R. M. (eds.) Antarctic nutrient cycles and food webs. Springer. Berlin, p. 630-636" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Ciaputa, P., Sicinski, J. (2006) Seasonal and annual changes in Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) diet in the area of Admiralty Bay, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Polish Polar Research 27(2): 171-184" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "CLARKE, M.R., CROXALL, J.P. & PRINCE, P.A. 1981. Cephalopod remains in regurgitations of the Wandering Albatross Diomedea exulans L. at South Georgia. Br. Antarct. Surv. Bull. 54: 9-21" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1987) Midwater food web in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 96:93-106" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K. and Burton, H. R. (1987) Seasonal and geographic variation in the food of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, in Antarctica. Australian Wildlife Research 14:475-498" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Sekiguchi, K., Klages, N., Findlay, K., and Best, P.B. (1993) Feeding habits and possible movements of southern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon planifrons). Proc. NIPR Symp. Polar Biol. 6:84-97" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Croxall JP, Prince PA, Reid K (1997) Dietary segregation of krill-eating South Georgia seabirds. J Zool Lond 242: 531-556" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Imber, M. J.; Russ, R. 1975: Some foods of the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans). Notornis 22: 27-36 (as cited in Prince, P. A. and Morgan, R. A. (1987). Diet and feeding ecology of procellariiformes. In Seabirds: Feeding Ecology and Role in Marine Ecosystems (ed. J. P. Croxall), pp. 135-171. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Jackson, S. (1988) Diets of the white-chinned petrel and sooty shearwater in the Southern Benguela region, South Africa. The Condor 90:20-28" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "La Mesa, M., Dalu, M., and Vacchi, M. (2004) Trophic ecology of the emerald notothen Trematomus bernacchii (Pisces, Nototheniidae) from Terra Nova Bay, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Polar Biology 27:721-728" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K. and Williams, R. (1986) Observations on food remains in faeces of elephant, leopard, and crabeater seals. Polar Biology 6:43-45" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1987) Midwater food web in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 96:93-106" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Conroy JWH (1972) Ecological aspects of the biology of the giant petrel Macronectes giganteus (Gmelin) in the maritime Antarctic. Sci Rep Br Antarct Surv 75:1-74" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Williams, D. (1999, updated 2007) Fish biological and stomach contents data - Casey 1988, Australian Antarctic Data Centre - CAASM Metadata (" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "AINLEY, D.G., O'CONNOR, E.F. & BOEKELHEIDE, R.J. 1984. The marine ecology of birds in the Ross Sea, Antarctica. Ornithogical Monographs 32: 1-97" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.