Matches in Nanopublications for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "A. Maedche, S. Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "A. Maedche, S. Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "A. Maedche, S. Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "A. Maedche, S. Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. IEEE Intelligent Systems" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "{" assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. " assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. " assertion.
- 5254.920602 bibliographicCitation "Maedche, Staab. Ontology learning for the Semantic Web. 2001. " assertion.
- s0278-6915(00)00124-1 bibliographicCitation "Api. Toxicological profile of diethyl phthalate: a vehicle for fragrance and cosmetic ingredients. 2001. Food and Chemical Toxicology" assertion.
- s0278-6915(00)00124-1 bibliographicCitation "Api. Toxicological profile of diethyl phthalate: a vehicle for fragrance and cosmetic ingredients. 2001. Food and Chemical Toxicology" assertion.
- s0278-6915(00)00124-1 bibliographicCitation "Api. Toxicological profile of diethyl phthalate: a vehicle for fragrance and cosmetic ingredients. 2001. Food and Chemical Toxicology" assertion.
- s0278-6915(00)00124-1 bibliographicCitation "A.M. Api. Toxicological profile of diethyl phthalate: a vehicle for fragrance and cosmetic ingredients. 2001. Food and Chemical Toxicology" assertion.
- s0218843014410020 bibliographicCitation "Bista, Nepal, Paris, Colineau. Gamification for Online Communities: A Case Study for Delivering Government Services. 2014. International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems" assertion.
- 123 bibliographicCitation "anderson, austin. some paper. 2000. " assertion.
- 0022-0663.92.1.137 bibliographicCitation "Wang, Newlin. Characteristics of students who enroll and succeed in psychology Web-based classes.. 2000. " assertion.
- 0022-0663.92.1.137 bibliographicCitation "Wang, Newlin. Characteristics of students who enroll and succeed in psychology Web-based classes.. 2000. " assertion.
- 10949310151088299 bibliographicCitation "Riva, Galimberti. The Mind in the Web: Psychology in the Internet Age. 2001. " assertion.
- 978-3-642-38288-8_33 bibliographicCitation "Tobias Kuhn, Paolo Emilio Barbano, Mate Levente Nagy, Michael Krauthammer. Broadening the Scope of Nanopublications. 2013. " assertion.
- s0218843014410020 bibliographicCitation "Sanat Kumar Bista, Surya Nepal, Cécile Paris, Nathalie Colineau. Gamification for Online Communities: A Case Study for Delivering Government Services. 2014. " assertion.
- j.1467-8659.2009.01506.x bibliographicCitation "Weiss, De Floriani. Diamond Hierarchies of Arbitrary Dimension. 2009. " assertion.
- j.1467-8659.2009.01506.x bibliographicCitation "Weiss, De Floriani. Diamond Hierarchies of Arbitrary Dimension. 2009. " assertion.
- j.1467-8659.2009.01506.x bibliographicCitation "Weiss, De Floriani. Diamond Hierarchies of Arbitrary Dimension. 2009. " assertion.
- sdata.2016.18 bibliographicCitation "Wilkinson, Dumontier, Aalbersberg, Appleton, Axton et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. Scientific Data. 2016." assertion.
- sdata.2016.18 bibliographicCitation "Wilkinson, Dumontier, Aalbersberg, Appleton, Axton et al. The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship. 2016. " assertion.
- 02-Deterding-Khaled-Nacke-Dixon.pdf bibliographicCitation "Sebastian Deterding. Gamification: Toward a Definition. Gamification. 2011." assertion.
- DS-170001 bibliographicCitation "Hunter. Knowledge-based biomedical Data Science. Data Science. 2017." assertion.
- DS-170001 bibliographicCitation "Hunter. Knowledge-based biomedical Data Science. 2017. " assertion.
- j.ijhcs.2014.09.006 bibliographicCitation "Seaborn, Fels. Gamification in theory and action: A survey. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2015." assertion.
- j.ijhcs.2014.09.006 bibliographicCitation "Seaborn, Fels. Gamification in theory and action: A survey. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2015." assertion.
- 2629559 bibliographicCitation "Jennings, Moreau, Nicholson, Ramchurn, Roberts et al. Human-agent collectives. Communications of the ACM. 2014." assertion.
- 42990615 bibliographicCitation "Moore. Language-A Force that Shapes Science. Journal of College Science Teaching. 1999." assertion.
- DS-170002 bibliographicCitation "Chadefaux. Conflict forecasting and its limits. Data Science. 2017." assertion.
- 978-3-319-67008-9_25 bibliographicCitation "Fathalla, Vahdati, Auer, Lange. Towards a Knowledge Graph Representing Research Findings by Semantifying Survey Articles. Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. 2017." assertion.
- 3025171.3025193 bibliographicCitation "Gil, Garijo. Towards Automating Data Narratives. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI '17. 2017." assertion.
- bibliographicCitation ". . . " assertion.
- bibliographicCitation "austi. some title. 2001. " assertion.
- bibliographicCitation "austin. some title i added. 2017. " assertion.
- hicss.2014.377 bibliographicCitation "Hamari, Koivisto, Sarsa. Does Gamification Work? -- A Literature Review of Empirical Studies on Gamification. 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2014." assertion.
- DS-170003 bibliographicCitation "Mann, Woolley-Meza. Maintaining intellectual diversity in data science. Data Science. 2017." assertion.
- 2803170 bibliographicCitation "Shoham. Why knowledge representation matters. Communications of the ACM. 2015." assertion.
- mic.2016.43 bibliographicCitation "Beek, Rietveld, Schlobach, van Harmelen. LOD Laundromat: Why the Semantic Web Needs Centralization (Even If We Don't Like It). IEEE Internet Computing. 2016." assertion.
- j.neuron.2016.04.030 bibliographicCitation "Bandrowski, Martone. RRIDs: A Simple Step toward Improving Reproducibility through Rigor and Transparency of Experimental Methods. Neuron. 2016." assertion.
- srep13428 bibliographicCitation "Kleikers, Hooijmans, Göb, Langhauser, Rewell et al. A combined pre-clinical meta-analysis and randomized confirmatory trial approach to improve data validity for therapeutic target validation. Scientific Reports. 2015." assertion.
- 978-3-319-70407-4_35 bibliographicCitation "Gaignard, Belhajjame, Skaf-Molli. SHARP: Harmonizing and Bridging Cross-Workflow Provenance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2017." assertion.
- 355112.355122 bibliographicCitation "Resnick, Kuwabara, Zeckhauser, Friedman. Reputation systems. Communications of the ACM. 2000." assertion.
- 3148011.3148029 bibliographicCitation "Idrissou, Hoekstra, van Harmelen, Khalili, van den Besselaar. Is my:sameAs the same as your:sameAs?. Proceedings of the Knowledge Capture Conference on - K-CAP 2017. 2017." assertion.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Reid K, Croxall JP, Edwards TM (1997) Interannual variation in the diet of the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata at South Georgia. Emu 97:126-132" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Casaux, R., Baroni, A., Barrera-Oro, E. (2002) Fish in the diet of the Antarctic shag at four colonies on the Danco Coast, Antarctic Peninsula. Antarctic Science 14(1): 32-36" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Shreeve, R.S., Collins, M.A., Tarling, G.A., Main, C.E., Ward, P., Johnston, N.M. (2009) Feeding ecology of myctophid fishes in the northern Scotia Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386: 221-236" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Phillips, R.A., Phalan, B., Forster, I.P. (2004) Diet and long-term changes in population size and productivity of brown skuas Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi at Bird Island, South Georgia. Polar Biology 27: 555-561" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Schiaparelli, S., Alvaro, M.C., Bohn, J., and Albertelli, G. (2010) 'Hitchhiker' polynoid polychaetes in cold deep waters and their potential influence on benthic soft bottom food webs. Antarctic Science 22(4):399-407" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Casaux, R., Baroni, A., Arrighetti, F., Ramon,A., Carlini, A. (2003) Geographical variation in the diet of the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella. Polar Biology 26:753-758" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Dickson J, Morley SA, and Mulvey T (2004) New data on Martialia hyadesi feeding in the Scotia Sea during winter; with emphasis on seasonal and annual variability. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 84:785�788" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "McKenna, J.E. Jr. (1991) Trophic relationships within the Antarctic demersal fish community of South Georgia Island. Fishery Bulletin 89(4): 643-654" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Klages, N.T.W., Pemberton, D., and Gales, R.P. (1990) The diets of king and gentoo penguins at Heard Island. Australian Wildlife Research 17: 53-60" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Ainley, D.G., Ribic, C.A. and Fraser, W.R. (1992) Does prey preference affect habitat choice in Antarctic seabirds? Marine Ecology Progress Series 90: 207-221" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K. and Burton, H. R. (1987) Seasonal and geographic variation in the food of Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddellii, in Antarctica. Australian Wildlife Research 14:475-498" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "McKenna, J.E. Jr. (1991) Trophic relationships within the Antarctic demersal fish community of South Georgia Island. Fishery Bulletin 89(4): 643-654" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Ainley, D.G., Ribic, C.A. and Fraser, W.R. (1992) Does prey preference affect habitat choice in Antarctic seabirds? Marine Ecology Progress Series 90: 207-221" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Croxall, J.P., Reid, K., Prince, P.A. (1999) Diet, provisioning and productivity responses of marine predators to differences in availability of Antarctic Krill. Marine Ecology Progress Series 177:115-131." Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Green, K., Williams, R., Woehler, E.J., Burton, H.R., Gales, N.J., and Jones, R.T. (1990) Diet of the Heard Island Cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps nivalis. Antarctic Science 2 (2): 139-141" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Robertson, G., Williams, R., Green, K., and Robertson, L. (1994) Diet composition of emperor penguin chicks Aptenodytes forsteri at two Mawson Coast colonies, Antarctica. Ibis 136:19-31" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Bevan, R.M., Butler, P.J., Woakes, A.J., Boyd, I.L. (2002) The energetics of Gentoo penguins, Pygoscelis papua, during the breeding season. Functional Ecology 16(2): 175�190" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1987) Midwater food web in McMurdo Sound, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Marine Biology 96:93-106" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L., Ainley, D.G., Torres, J.J., and Lancraft, T.M. (1993) Trophic structure in open waters of the marginal ice zone in the Scotia-Weddell confluence region during spring (1983). Polar Biology 13:389-397" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "McKenna, J.E. Jr. (1991) Trophic relationships within the Antarctic demersal fish community of South Georgia Island. Fishery Bulletin 89(4): 643-654" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Gaskett, A.C., Bulman, C., He, X., and Goldsworthy, S.D. (2001) Diet composition and guild structure of mesopelagic and bathypelagic fishes near Macquarie Island, Australia. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 35:469-476" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Hopkins, T.L. (1985) Food web of an Antarctic midwater ecosystem. Marine Biology 89:197-212" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Phillips, K.L., Jackson, G.D., and Nichols, P.D. (2003) Temporal variations in the diet of the squid Moroteuthis ingens at Macquarie Island: stomach contents and fatty acid analyses. Marine Ecology Progress Series 256:135-149" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Clarke MR, Prince PA (1981) Cephalopod remains in the regurgitations of black-browed and grey-headed albatrosses at South Georgia. Br Antarct Surv Bull 54:1-7; Prince, P. A. and Morgan, R. A. (1987). Diet and feeding ecology of procellariiformes. In Seabirds: Feeding Ecology and Role in Marine Ecosystems (ed. J. P. Croxall), pp. 135-171. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; Clarke MR (1986) A handbook for the identification of cephalopod beaks. Clarendon Press, Oxford" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Casaux, R., Ramon, A. (2002) The diet of the South Georgia shag Phalacrocorax georgianus at South Orkney Islands in five consecutive years. Polar Biology 25: 557-561" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "RICHDALE, L.E. 1944. The Titi Wainui or Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur (Kuhl). Part I. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 74: 32-48 (as cited in Imber MJ (1981) Diets of stormpetrels Pelagodroma and Garrodia and of prions Pachyptila (Procellariiformes). In: Cooper J (ed) Proceedings of the symposium on birds of the sea and shore. African Seabird Group, Cape Town, p 63-88)" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Shreeve, R.S., Collins, M.A., Tarling, G.A., Main, C.E., Ward, P., Johnston, N.M. (2009) Feeding ecology of myctophid fishes in the northern Scotia Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 386: 221-236" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Slip, D. J., Moore, G. J. and Green, K. 1995. Stomach contents of a southern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon planifrons, stranded at Heard Island. Marine Mammal Science 11: 575-584" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Main, C.E. and Collins, M.A. (2011) Diet of the Antarctic starry skate, Amblyraja georgiana (Rajidae, Chondrichthyes) at South Georgia (Southern Ocean). Polar Biology 34:389-396" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Pakhomov, E.A., Perissinotto, R., and McQuaid, C.D. (1996) Prey composition and daily rations of myctophid fishes in the Southern Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 134:1-14" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "Croxall JP, Prince PA (1987) Seabirds as predators on marine resources, especially Krill, at South Georgia. In: Croxall JP (ed) Seabirds: feeding ecology and role in marine ecosystems. Cambridge University Press, London, p 347-368" Provenance.
- Study bibliographicCitation "RIDOUX, V. 1994. The diets and dietary segregation of seabirds at the subantarctic Crozet Islands. Mar. Orn. 22: 1-192" Provenance.